Remember the Name(D4tW Remix)
Ctrl - Alt - Dstry
“Remember the Name(D4tW Remix)”
Original Song by Fort Minor.
Remix and Additional Production by Ctrl - Alt - Dstry(formally Dead4theWeekend).
Another song that was a dream to work with! Used ReZ 2.0 VST for the “reinterpretations” of the bass line. This is a bit of a chaotic, noisier take on the song.
—Note— I used the UNCUT version of the vocals so this is NSFW.
Original Song by Fort Minor.
Remix and Additional Production by Ctrl - Alt - Dstry(formally Dead4theWeekend).
Another song that was a dream to work with! Used ReZ 2.0 VST for the “reinterpretations” of the bass line. This is a bit of a chaotic, noisier take on the song.
—Note— I used the UNCUT version of the vocals so this is NSFW.