Waking Me Softly With Resonating Fire ft. Snowflake, Ghost K, Wired_Ant, Bruce H. McCosar
I was aiming for an instrumental mix of Bruce McCosar’s World On Fire and I accidentally dropped Snowflake’s piece in was looking for instrumental pieces. It worked, I extended it. Accidental mix indeed!
Uses samples from...
- Waking Me Softly snowflake
- Resonator Drums Wired_Ant
- The Wind of Distant Planets (12/12: fx_wind) bmccosar
- The Wind of Distant Planets (12/12: fx_wind) bmccosar
- World on Fire (4/5: Hammond Organ) bmccosar
- World on Fire (3/5: Morpheus Synth) bmccosar
- World on Fire (2/5: Crunch Guitar) bmccosar
- World on Fire (1/5: Bass) bmccosar