Resq Rabbitz & The Archipelagos Of Sandy Lagos + loops
The title song for my book of an evolved race of rabbits after the extinction of mankind.
This is a mix I put together using several kits from Rhythm-lag.org and one from Samplephonics. I played along with an egg shaker and my hi-hat. I tried adding some vocaloid voices and while they fit nice with the loops, they don’t create the kind of effect I wanted. With some more patience I could but I’d rather move onto the next song. This instrumental was done for a week before I added original materials.
All loops in C Major.
This is a mix I put together using several kits from Rhythm-lag.org and one from Samplephonics. I played along with an egg shaker and my hi-hat. I tried adding some vocaloid voices and while they fit nice with the loops, they don’t create the kind of effect I wanted. With some more patience I could but I’d rather move onto the next song. This instrumental was done for a week before I added original materials.
All loops in C Major.