Elections 2012 ft. Annabloom
Elections are coming
What worthless sack of pus are you voting for?
Democrats and Republicans are the same
Two sides in identical worthless games
Constitution, Libertarian, tea
Are all just splinters of the G.O.P.
The nations young are progressive kids
Abandon liberalism is what they did
Conservative and liberals are really just old
leftovers from Nixon covered with mold
Lee Atwater and Ailes created this crap
To put FOX news all over the map
The corporate owned state is what they project
With “liberal” lies to serve and protect
They know their voter’s face is of the white race
Exploting paranoia’s their ace to save face
This plan was devised back in the sixties
When Americans openly began mixing
It was this time that Americans bigots
Flew from the Democrats like a broken spigot
They cling to the Elephant but man they hate Abe
Supposed anti-communists that love medicaid
Democrats are no better taking the same cash
paid to Republicans from the same ass
Icontinent transcontinental deals
Turning human beings into 1% meals
They’ll put on suits and see a foreign land
And export our jobs like a broken damn
They’ve got token plans and a token man
As a president whose a joke of a man
Human skin has no value, it’s skin that’s a fact
who gives a flying leap the president’s black
Put him on the ballot, spell it right no doubt
He’s whom Malcolm X called a sellout
The competition is poor, really don’t like them
A bunch of lunies escaped from the asylum
Newt’s a fascist, Santorum’s a racist
Perry’s just George W. with a face lift
Romney can’t keep his own words straight
with his home grown Utah Jonestown Koolaid
So this election don’t be shocked to note
That a fictional character gets my vote
The Incomplete Orhcestra
Preparing for the the 2012 American Elections
Where I’m going to vote for none of the above
Screw them all!
Elections are coming
What worthless sack of pus are you voting for?
Democrats and Republicans are the same
Two sides in identical worthless games
Constitution, Libertarian, tea
Are all just splinters of the G.O.P.
The nations young are progressive kids
Abandon liberalism is what they did
Conservative and liberals are really just old
leftovers from Nixon covered with mold
Lee Atwater and Ailes created this crap
To put FOX news all over the map
The corporate owned state is what they project
With “liberal” lies to serve and protect
They know their voter’s face is of the white race
Exploting paranoia’s their ace to save face
This plan was devised back in the sixties
When Americans openly began mixing
It was this time that Americans bigots
Flew from the Democrats like a broken spigot
They cling to the Elephant but man they hate Abe
Supposed anti-communists that love medicaid
Democrats are no better taking the same cash
paid to Republicans from the same ass
Icontinent transcontinental deals
Turning human beings into 1% meals
They’ll put on suits and see a foreign land
And export our jobs like a broken damn
They’ve got token plans and a token man
As a president whose a joke of a man
Human skin has no value, it’s skin that’s a fact
who gives a flying leap the president’s black
Put him on the ballot, spell it right no doubt
He’s whom Malcolm X called a sellout
The competition is poor, really don’t like them
A bunch of lunies escaped from the asylum
Newt’s a fascist, Santorum’s a racist
Perry’s just George W. with a face lift
Romney can’t keep his own words straight
with his home grown Utah Jonestown Koolaid
So this election don’t be shocked to note
That a fictional character gets my vote
The Incomplete Orhcestra
Preparing for the the 2012 American Elections
Where I’m going to vote for none of the above
Screw them all!