Dark Clouds
Abstract Audio
7-6 Years ago I was a really bad time for me, my darkest moment in my life. In a number of weeks I moved out of my parents house (scary), lost my job because of a fire, ‘broke’ up with someone I counted as my girlfriend. On top of that my computer crashed, unrepairable with all my music and with it went the flow I was in.
I lost myself in different kind of narcotics and allmost had given up. And then there was ccmixter, a place that gave me a purpose, a reason to go on, made me feel wanted.
In my process of getting better I had to deal with some issues and like allways use music. But I cannot write or perform so I asked Kara to write it for me and with my info she came up with this. Wich fitted perfectly on a soundtrack that didnt got approved, I haven’t change a note.
Its been hidden in my “closet” for a long time, but its time to let it go and have a life on its own.
Thanks to Kara for words I couldn’t write and ccM for being what it is
I lost myself in different kind of narcotics and allmost had given up. And then there was ccmixter, a place that gave me a purpose, a reason to go on, made me feel wanted.
In my process of getting better I had to deal with some issues and like allways use music. But I cannot write or perform so I asked Kara to write it for me and with my info she came up with this. Wich fitted perfectly on a soundtrack that didnt got approved, I haven’t change a note.
Its been hidden in my “closet” for a long time, but its time to let it go and have a life on its own.
Thanks to Kara for words I couldn’t write and ccM for being what it is