Ghosts in the wind
Abstract Audio
After listening to so many great songs from secret mixter and the cool music show (finally started listening!), I wanted some relaxing sounds. So I thought it was time to release the abstract audio artist in me and make a soundscape.
Uses samples from...
Samples are used in...
- Abstract Music ft Abstract Audio Apoxode
- Vol 842_phase 3 Bluemillenium
- ccManic (ccMixter exclusive) Organoix_2000
- ccManic (ccMixter exclusive) Organoix_2000
- Twin Snares Pusher Apoxode
- How to Hypertron 240 Apoxode
- Vol 842_phase 2 Bluemillenium
- Tools of the Trade doxent
- Violent !!! ( NⅡ Beats ) veezyn
- Vol 854 passager 32 Bluemillenium
- A Time of Ghosts and Scary Things SackJo22
- Pink Rhino FlorenceArt
- Goldfinger: Deleted Scene
- Pink Rhino - Abstract art by Florence Artur