
Certain Death (Still Alive Remix)
A few time ago, Brad Sucks released his second album “Out of it” and I thought: Yeah! New Brad Sucks-Album?… Why not making a new remix?
After the really dirty remake of “Dirtbag” I wanted to create a more clean and ‘not so crazy’ sound. I decided to take “Certain Death” (I love the lyrics/vocals), speed it up and transform it into a smooth but still danceable Drum’n Bass-Track which turns up the spirit of the original to another level… (in my opinion).
After the really dirty remake of “Dirtbag” I wanted to create a more clean and ‘not so crazy’ sound. I decided to take “Certain Death” (I love the lyrics/vocals), speed it up and transform it into a smooth but still danceable Drum’n Bass-Track which turns up the spirit of the original to another level… (in my opinion).
Uses samples from...
Samples are used in...
- Certain Death (Still Alive But Voiceless remix) briznad
- Sunday's best to Monday's mess dangerous_objects
- Neck Deep - Backcountry snowmobiling in Gördalen, Sweden - February 2014
- Neck Deep - Backcountry snowmobiling in Gördalen, Sweden - February 2014
- Corruption - Fantasy Photo Shoot
- Certain Death by BLACKBERRY - ccmixter
- Operation: Katie's Desk 2011
- geeksonly.de/tales/2
- Via Gardesana on Vimeo
- ccMixter | musik.klarmachen-zum-aendern.de
- Flowers - Thisisswordfish.com
- 3035817
- A tribute to Lawrence Lessig