Slum Kid (Endurance)
It started with a sketch of an instrumental track which already featured the main synth bass line. The track is in F# Locrian Nat. 6. Eh, woot? There is a certain kind of exotic vibe in this scale we liked.
Here is more than you ever wanted to know about this scale.
It is an awesome site to get lost for hours without understanding any word. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Back to the track: We were intrigued by the vocals from Daniloprates version of “Slum_Kid (Muleque_de_Periferia)”. A tough choice because it dawned on us that we had to re-flow it into our sketch track. After quite a lot of warping we think it sits tight on the beats and drives the whole thing forward. As none of us understands Portugese language we cut and added pauses where it fitted for our ears and overall flow. But if this makes sense lyrically, we don’t know. :-O
Then we added some more layers of samples provided by our assignee to complete the track harmonically. Despite of different keys it worked really well and created some nice dissonances we had not expected. For the groove and to spice up the other drums we added a smashing drum loop from Daniloprates, sliced in consumable portions.
We are very happy with the result and even though we have absolutely no clue about the lyrics we enjoy the smooth flow. As usual this was all not planned, this track just happened along the way.
Artwork for this release
With luv from Hamburg
Update: We provide as most complete stems as possible, but we had to leave out some backdrop drum loops due to license restrictions, sorry!
Here is more than you ever wanted to know about this scale.
It is an awesome site to get lost for hours without understanding any word. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Back to the track: We were intrigued by the vocals from Daniloprates version of “Slum_Kid (Muleque_de_Periferia)”. A tough choice because it dawned on us that we had to re-flow it into our sketch track. After quite a lot of warping we think it sits tight on the beats and drives the whole thing forward. As none of us understands Portugese language we cut and added pauses where it fitted for our ears and overall flow. But if this makes sense lyrically, we don’t know. :-O
Then we added some more layers of samples provided by our assignee to complete the track harmonically. Despite of different keys it worked really well and created some nice dissonances we had not expected. For the groove and to spice up the other drums we added a smashing drum loop from Daniloprates, sliced in consumable portions.
We are very happy with the result and even though we have absolutely no clue about the lyrics we enjoy the smooth flow. As usual this was all not planned, this track just happened along the way.
Artwork for this release
With luv from Hamburg
Update: We provide as most complete stems as possible, but we had to leave out some backdrop drum loops due to license restrictions, sorry!